5 Essential Health Benefits Covered by Your Marketplace Health Insurance Plan

One of the great things about health insurance plans provided by your marketplace is that they cover a wide range of health services. From emergency services to prescription medicines and beyond, you can count on receiving the care you require when you need it. In this blog, we’ll look at five essential health benefits covered by health insurance plans, so you can be sure you’re fully protected. Whether you’re already covered through your workplace or just starting to investigate health insurance options, be sure to read on for all the information you need!

  1. Emergency Services

When an emergency arises, it can be a scary and confusing experience. However, if you have a marketplace health insurance plan, your concerns can be alleviated as you'll be sufficiently safeguarded and insured under the provisions of your policy. This includes medical care, transportation to the hospital, and lodging while in the hospital. In addition, these services can be life-saving, so it’s essential to know how to use them correctly. For example, if you are transported to the hospital, ensure you understand the plan’s coverage for transportation and lodging. Additionally, ensure you understand your plan’s coverage for emergency services, so you know what to expect. Every one needs good health insurance, and marketplace health insurance might be a great approach, to begin with.

  1. Prescription drugs

Prescription drugs should be on your list if you’re looking for health benefits that your marketplace health insurance plan can offer. These plans typically include prescriptions that are part of a standard treatment plan. This means that you’ll be able to get the medications you need from one of the in-network pharmacies, which can make your life a lot easier. Please ask your policy representative or call the customer service number listed on your plan booklet if you have any questions. And don’t forget - different health plans allow you to get your medications from other pharmacies (called “in-network pharmacies”). So, whether you use a lot of medication or needs a few essential prescriptions, your health insurance should cover them.

  1. Pediatric Services

As a parent, it’s important to know that your health insurance plan offers essential pediatric services. These can include immunization programs and routine child visits. If your child needs any of these services, it’s important to discuss them with their doctor. This will help to ensure that they’re getting the care they need and that they’re as healthy as possible. Additionally, regular well-child visits can help reduce your child’s chances of developing chronic conditions later in life. Children's coverage for oral and eye care is an essential health benefit as they are prone to dental and vision diseases. So, if you’re shopping for health insurance, ask about pediatric services and whether they’re included in your plan.

  1. Mental health and substance abuse treatment services

Mental health and addiction are two common health conditions that affect people in the United States. If you suffer from either situation, finding the care and treatment you need can be challenging. Fortunately, some marketplace health insurance plans are usually willing to cover both inpatient and outpatient services. This means that you can get the care and treatment you need when you need it most. Make sure to ask about these benefits when selecting a plan, as they may vary depending on your chosen plan. In addition, all plans typically also cover behavioral health treatments such as psychotherapy and counseling. This can help you get the care and support you need to live a healthy and fulfilling life.

  1. Pregnancy, maternity, and newborn care

Pregnancy, maternity, and newborn care are some of the most critical times in an individual’s life. That’s why it’s vital to have health insurance that covers these important events. With coverage, you can easily access medical care, including check-ups and screenings. It’s also important to know the maternity-related health benefits typically covered by marketplace health insurance plans. This includes maternity, labor, delivery, post-partum, and newborn care. Make sure to ask your marketplace representative about the specific benefits included in your policy. 

Marketplace health insurance plans cover a wide range of essential health benefits, which can help you stay healthy and protect your health. In addition to emergency services, prescription drugs, pediatric services, mental health and substance abuse treatment services, and many plans that also include pregnancy, maternity, and newborn care coverage. Make sure to ask your health insurance provider about the specific benefits of your plan to stay as healthy as possible.

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